Virtual Public Meeting for West Harlem’s Proposed State Historic District, August 3, 2022

The State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) will host a virtual public hearing Wednesday, August 3, 2022 at 6:00 pm on a proposed West Harlem State Historic District which will be reviewed for official designation this fall, 2022.

Attendance of all stakeholders is encouraged to learn about the designation and its benefits to communities such as West Harlem and you will have the opportunity to ask questions, comment or state your concerns.

RSVP: tinyurl.WHDistrict

Link to meeting:


What is the National Register?

Established by the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, the National Register of Historic Places is the official list of historic properties that have been recognized as significant in American history, architecture, archaeology, engineering, or culture.

The Division for Historic Preservation of the Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (also known as the State Historic Preservation Office or SHPO) coordinates the National Register program in New York State as well as the parallel State Register program.

What is a historic district?

Properties can be listed in the National Register as individual buildings/structures or as historic districts. Districts are groupings of properties such as residential neighborhoods, commercial corridors, and industrial complexes. District boundaries are drawn based on a number of factors, most importantly the history of the neighborhood and the “historic integrity” (how intact the historic appearance is) of the buildings within the proposed boundaries.

What are the benefits of a historic district?

•West Harlem’s rich history and architectural treasures would be eligible for programs to restore and maintain the historic fabric.

•Properties in the district would receive protection and consideration in project planning that involves state or federal funding, permits, or licenses.

•Properties in the historic district would be eligible for Federal and State Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Programs. Owners of income-producing properties(e.g., commercial and apartment buildings) can take advantage of both the 20% State and 20% Federal Tax Credit Programs. The state tax credit is used in conjunction with the federal tax credit. The NYS Historic Homeowner Tax Credit Program provides tax credits on NYS income tax worth 20% of qualified expenditures on repairs up to $50,000.