Video(5) click here for video of the theft
Residents of the West Harlem-Hamilton Heights community have been plagued by thefts of deliveries across the district. The frustration of victimized residents at the audacity and boldness of the thefts has increased chatter on blogs and block association meetings about possible solutions to the problem beyond the “must report to 311.” In some cases, security cameras installed, packages redirected, and chains and locks on street gates. However, thefts continue, and individuals responsible still follow the deliveries’ schedule closely with their “shopping” bags. Most recently, one bold individual, dubbed the “Porch Pirate” by residents on the 400 144th Street block, claimed a package soon after delivery in full camera view. Have you seen this man? Keep a watch of him and his movements on your block and call the local precinct and 311 as quickly as possible if there is evidence of his action.
UPS Access Points in Hamilton Heights:
UPS Access Point location, 1695 Amsterdam Ave
UPS Access Point location, 3447 Broadway
UPS Access Point, 1508 Amsterdam Ave
UPS Access Point, 3293 Broadway